
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Worldwide Themed Cafes


is considered very important nowadays.

For instance, interviewers want their interviewees to talk along with stories.
In other words, interviewers like to hear from others and communicate with them,
not to listen to the uniform talks, which are formed in the same categories.

Also, one of my professors asked us to fill out the mid-term exam with our own stories.
Actually, whether a story is included or not was not compulsory, but he said we would get a bonus mark if we did...
So... yeah, I guess I have to say it was kind of "optional compulsory."

Not only at school, but also at many cafes, people expect to see some kind of stories.

Accordingly, cafe owners choose to have their cafes set in some themes.

Today, I'd like to talk about different cafes on a variety of unique themes. :D

1. Rockin' & Roastin' Cafe

Have you ever heard of an American rock band called Aerosmith?
Aerosmith was formed in 1970 and awarded a number of prizes, including the Grammy's awards in 1994 and 1998 and American Music Award for International Groups in 2001.

Joey Kramer, the drummer of Aeromsmith has opened a coffee shop with rock star theme recently.
He, actually, launched a coffee brand a year ago, but this time, he set up a real store!

I think this rock star theme is really interesting because I've never seen one
and I've never heard of one yet here in Korea.

There are some unique features that I like most.

-Signs playing off the band's hit singles
According to the article, there are signs saying "Walk This Way" on the way to the bathroom and another saying "Drive This Way" on the way to the drive-through.
And those two are names of the band's singles, hehe.
What a great idea! In that way, Kramer can let his customers know the ways conveniently as well as advertise his music.

-Kramer is a 64-year-old rocker
I was a little shocked to see his age, actually. Starting a second career at the age of 64 sounds so cool and awesome since not many people try to do that.
And Kramer hopes his cafe to grow as a national franchise eventually.

The fact remains that I'll put my coffee up against anything that is out there
Kramer is such an enthusiastic person and I am impressed.
If I ever go near North Attleborough in the States, I will definitely visit Rockin' & Roastin' cafe and say hello to Kramer. :)

Click Here to find more about Kramer's Rockin' & Roasting' Cafe!!

Joey Kramer's Rockin' & Roastin' Cafe is located at 551B South Washington Street in North Attleborough, MA, USAJ

2. The Theatre Cafe

Wiked, Lion King...
What common thing can you think of?


A theater-themed cafe will open on January 12 next year in London, England.
The founders are the owners of London Theatre Booking, a family run ticket agency.

Customers can relax with their drinks in comfortable environment and also,
they can chat with staffs at the cafe about many different shows in London.

The Theatre Cafe will be built in London't West End,
and West End shows will lend the cafe to decorate the walls with their items.

The most fascinating feature is iPads placed on each table.
Customers, then, search and book tickets with them.
I think this is brilliant since the staffs working there are aware of show information,
and can help with the customers choosing what shows to see.

If I live near West End, and I want to watch some musicals,
I would certainly go to this theatre cafe to have some coffee and get useful tips on shows.

Furthermore, there will be clips and tunes playing inside for customers to get the musical feelings. :D

3. Hello Kitty Cafe

There are always some cat people anywhere I go.
They go crazy over cats and most of them LOVE Hello Kitty.

Therefore, maybe it is natural that cafes based on Hello Kitty theme become popular.

These are photos of Hello Kitty Cafe located in Sinchon, Korea.
As you can see, everything is Hello Kitty, chairs, walls, tables, drinks, desserts, literally everything!! o.O

I am not really a Hello Kitty person, but I am always curious about how it will actually look and how I'm going to feel as I step into that store.

Pink, Pink, Pink................
and PINK!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, I like pink, but there, I think I will feel like I get dipped into the color, pink and swim there in the pink sea.
However, still, this Hello Kitty Cafe interests me a lot ehehe.
Some day, looking photos feel not enough for me, I will visit there and upload another review posting. ;)

Click Here to fine more about Hello Kitty Cafe if you want!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Different Diaries/Planners from Different Coffee Brand Shops

Which coffee brand do you like most

or which cafe do you go to most?

I, personally, am a cafe adventurer, meaning I always like to try different cafes whenever I have to go to a cafe.
Thus, I do not have a favorite cafe. And thus, I do not, or can not usually collect coupons or mileages.

But, as winter comes along, (and as I got paid my tutoring money lately, hehe)
the desire to get a new diary lit a fire in my heart.
And since I'm a coffee lover, I have decided to get a diary for next year from a coffee shop. (tada~)

These three are the most popular 2015 cafe diaries and I want one of them to be my diary for next year!


 Twosome Place


Each one has different designs and each cafe has different coupon system.
Let's find out more about each diary, then!

1. Coupon System

Starbucks: drink 17 cups of coffee or other drink, including 3 seasonal drinks
(Christmas Cookie Latte, Peppermint Mocha, and Toffee Nut Latte)

Twosome Place: drink 15 cups of coffee or other drink, including 3 seasonal drinks.
(choose three among White Cream Americano, Cacao Tea Latte, Caramel Steamer)

Hollys: drink 5 cups of coffee or other drink, including 1 seasonal drink
(choose one among Red Velvet Choco, Green Tea White Choco,
Real Belgian Choco, Real Belgian Mocha)

2. Price (If you want to just buy one instead of collecting coupons)

Starbucks: 27,500won

Twosome Place: 19,000won

Hollys: 24,000won

3. Unique Point

Starbucks: -collaborated with a famous diary corporate, Moleskine
                  -either Large size or Pocket size

Twosome Place: -soft leather cover & lighter weight & bigger size

Hollys: -only 5 drinks, and get a diary

If you want to find more about those diaries, (they are in Korean!!)
Click Here for Starbucks
Click Here for Twosome Place
Click Here for Hollys

I like Starbucks' one for its design, but the I have to collect too many coupons for it.
wayyyyyyy too many. 17 drinks..? :s
But, it's understandable because it is the most famous and pretty one.
And obviously, Hollys has the most reasonable coupon system.
Nevertheless, I prefer Twesome Place to Hollys due to its convenient location from home.

Also, the coupons included inside each diary vary, too.
Plus, you can apply for another event when you get a diary, like you can be the one who gets free drink every day at Starbucks when you become the winner.

Isn't it interesting?
I know it would cost far less if I just buy a regular planner or a diary at a nearby stationery,
but, I want to get one of those cafe diaries so eagerly!!!

So, I've been thinking why people(including myself) are crazy about cafe diaries.

First, we can have the feeling that we own the brand by carrying a diary.
And it is good for cafe brands, too since people are likely to have the sense of closeness, and go there more often accordingly.

Second, limited editions always make people become crazy.

Third, you can gain the sense of accomplishment by collecting all the coupons and finally the diary!!

It is sort of weird for me to be crazy over those diaries since I've never kept a planner or a schedulers before. I have kept some diaries before though.

I like to think this phenomenon as a process of being a female university student.

Sometimes, I think I am the world-best self-justificationer..... :P

That is it for today's posting. I don't know how to end this one tho..

Sweet dreams!!!

New Holiday Drink from Starbucks!!

Hello, everyone. 
Do you like Starbucks?

Thesedays, I go to Starbucks more often than a few months ago. I have always thought that Starbucks coffee is quite expensive, so I only went there during the "Happy Hour," or when I got a serious craze for a green tea Frappuccino.

But, due to the convenient location from my school and home and the credibility of the brand name, I go to Starbucks without any worries of getting bad coffee nowadays.

When I went to the closest Starbucks from my home today, I noticed that they had already decorated inside somewhat for Christmas and got winter menus.


Inspired by the warm feelings of winter at Starbucks, I decided to search more for the latest news for Starbucks and look what I have found!

Starbucks has released their new holiday beverage
in FIVE YEARS on November 12.

★☆★Chestnut Praline Latte★☆★

Every winter, Starbucks introduces seasonal beverages, but I had no idea that Starbucks had not created a new drink for such a long time. Maybe because I was not a devoted Starbucks fan. :P

So, the Chestnut Praline Latte combines espresso with steamed milk, caramelized chestnut flavor and spices. Then, it is topped off with whipped cream and spiced praline crumbs, according to Starbucks' official website.

These three are for this year's holiday season. :) 

Looking at the menu which is always developed,
suddenly I started to wonder who made all the different flavors of coffee and how.

Then, I found an interview with Amy Dilger, a trained pastry chef who has worked for Starbucks for 15 years. (15 YEARS!!!! :O)

Click Here to See the Article!!

So, the Starbucks Chestnut Praline Latte is the 1st of 8 beverage concepts they created for this year's holiday season. And it became the final beverage chosen based on customer and partner(Starbucks workers) feedback.

To me, the part when Dilger said about how researchers got ideas for coffee was most interesting.
We draw inspiration from everywhere – from dessert menus to fine dining establishments to bath and body products.

Dessert menus, yes, fine dining establishments, yes, but bath and body products?!?!
I had to read the sentence again to make sure what I had read was right. :o

But, thinking back, I guess it makes sense.
Most bath and body products give us warm, comfortable, and cozy feelings, just like some good coffee does. :)

I think I was surprised because I instantly thought of fresh flavors like lime, lemon, cucumber, citrus etc. as thinking of body products. Well Well.. hehe

+) Some people even said that they thought of fireplaces, pine trees, ugly sweaters, and beautiful Christmas break after drinking Chestnut Praline Latte. Lol.

Starbucks Chestnut Praline Latte has been launched in the States and Canada, but I wonder when it will come to Korea. :3
I'm guessing during December, maybe?
If it is gonna be launched, it's gotta be during December, obviously. :]

When it comes out, I will surely buy one and would like to think of the warm fireplaces and Christmas trees crowded with gifts underneath, too :D

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Importance of Color of Your Coffee Mug

Who's strong coffee-drinker?


I AM!!!!!!!!!

I try to drink a cup of coffee before going to school.
If not, I usually get one after class almost every day. :-)

Coffee makes me feel comfortable, gives me the feelings of being awake, and even gives me the feelings of losing weight sometimes especially when I drink black.

But, until today, I have never thought of the color of my mug when drinking coffee.
I have thought that the color of a coffee mug does not really matter because what matters is the quality of coffee.

Apparently, I was wrong and the color of a coffee mug actually does influence the intensity of your coffee.

George Van Doorn, author of the study and lecturer in psychology at Federation University Australia, conducted two experiments using three different colors of mugs: transparent, white, and blue.

Three coffee mugs used in coffee experiment

Experiment 1 was to find out the difference of intensity.
And as a result, volunteers said coffee in the white mug felt more intense than that in the transparent mug.

Why a White Cup Makes Your Coffee Taste More IntenseĀ 

In experiment 2, coffee was poured into the same shape of mugs but in different colors.
The results were similar to the first experiment. Participants said coffee in a white mug tasted less sweet compared to the other colored mugs.

Most sweet                                                                              Least sweet
Blue Mug                          Transparent Mug                                  White Mug

While reading this article, I tried to think of the colors of mugs at home. They are mostly white-colored. All ceramic-creamed. Of course, I have transparent cups, but I do not use them when drinking coffee since my hands get burn while holding them. Lol. :P

So, I've been drinking coffee more intensely due to white mugs, so far.
That is PERFECT!

At home, I only drink black coffee. Partly because there is no other materials for me to make other kinds of coffee, and partly because black coffee is my favorite.
And the reason why I like my coffee black is related to health and weight issues... :S

Personally, I get the feelings of digesting when I drink coffee after eating. Also, hot black coffee seems to burn all the fat I have just eaten. It maybe is an illusion, but I like to think that way. hehe.

Therefore, I will constantly use white mugs. :-)
But, if I go to a cafe to have sweet coffee, I would like to ask for blue mugs at least once in my life time, even risking the embarrassment of getting attention. Just to try or just to test the result of the article. :P Though I don't think I will be able to tell the difference actually.

However, I guess baristas or owners of coffee shops may think this information important. Maybe they will buy more blue mugs next time they go mug shopping. :D

How about you?
How do YOU like your coffee?
If you like sweet coffee, would you like to try blue mugs? hehe