
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Importance of Color of Your Coffee Mug

Who's strong coffee-drinker?


I AM!!!!!!!!!

I try to drink a cup of coffee before going to school.
If not, I usually get one after class almost every day. :-)

Coffee makes me feel comfortable, gives me the feelings of being awake, and even gives me the feelings of losing weight sometimes especially when I drink black.

But, until today, I have never thought of the color of my mug when drinking coffee.
I have thought that the color of a coffee mug does not really matter because what matters is the quality of coffee.

Apparently, I was wrong and the color of a coffee mug actually does influence the intensity of your coffee.

George Van Doorn, author of the study and lecturer in psychology at Federation University Australia, conducted two experiments using three different colors of mugs: transparent, white, and blue.

Three coffee mugs used in coffee experiment

Experiment 1 was to find out the difference of intensity.
And as a result, volunteers said coffee in the white mug felt more intense than that in the transparent mug.

Why a White Cup Makes Your Coffee Taste More IntenseĀ 

In experiment 2, coffee was poured into the same shape of mugs but in different colors.
The results were similar to the first experiment. Participants said coffee in a white mug tasted less sweet compared to the other colored mugs.

Most sweet                                                                              Least sweet
Blue Mug                          Transparent Mug                                  White Mug

While reading this article, I tried to think of the colors of mugs at home. They are mostly white-colored. All ceramic-creamed. Of course, I have transparent cups, but I do not use them when drinking coffee since my hands get burn while holding them. Lol. :P

So, I've been drinking coffee more intensely due to white mugs, so far.
That is PERFECT!

At home, I only drink black coffee. Partly because there is no other materials for me to make other kinds of coffee, and partly because black coffee is my favorite.
And the reason why I like my coffee black is related to health and weight issues... :S

Personally, I get the feelings of digesting when I drink coffee after eating. Also, hot black coffee seems to burn all the fat I have just eaten. It maybe is an illusion, but I like to think that way. hehe.

Therefore, I will constantly use white mugs. :-)
But, if I go to a cafe to have sweet coffee, I would like to ask for blue mugs at least once in my life time, even risking the embarrassment of getting attention. Just to try or just to test the result of the article. :P Though I don't think I will be able to tell the difference actually.

However, I guess baristas or owners of coffee shops may think this information important. Maybe they will buy more blue mugs next time they go mug shopping. :D

How about you?
How do YOU like your coffee?
If you like sweet coffee, would you like to try blue mugs? hehe

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